ios alert창 띄워서 조건문 실행하기
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위에 내용 한번더 정리
// ViewController.swift
// Alert2
// Created by MacBookPro on 2017. 12. 13..
// Copyright © 2017년 MacBookPro. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!
var isLampOn:Bool = true
let imgOn:UIImage = UIImage(named:"on.jpg")!
let imgOff:UIImage = UIImage(named:"off.jpg")!
let imgRemove:UIImage = UIImage(named:"ccc.jpg")!
override func viewDidLoad() {
imageView.image = UIImage(named:"on.jpg")
@IBAction func btnOn(_ sender: UIButton) {
//전구가 켜져있을때
if isLampOn == true {
let lampOnAlert = UIAlertController(title:"알림", message: "현재 켜진상태에요", preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)
let onAction = UIAlertAction(title:"네...", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler:nil)
present(lampOnAlert, animated: true, completion: nil)
imageView.image = UIImage(named:"on.jpg")
isLampOn = true
@IBAction func btnOff(_ sender: UIButton) {
//전구가 켜져있다면
if isLampOn {
let lampOffAlert = UIAlertController(title:"램프끄기", message: "램프를 끄시겠나요?", preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)
let offAction = UIAlertAction(title: "네", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: {
ACTION in self.imageView.image = self.imgOff
self.isLampOn = false
let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title:"아뇨", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler: nil)
present(lampOffAlert, animated: true, completion: nil)
@IBAction func btnRemove(_ sender: UIButton) {
let lampRemoveAlert = UIAlertController(title:"램프제거", message: "램프를 제거하시겠어요?", preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyle.alert)
let offAction = UIAlertAction(title: "아니오,끌래요", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler:{
ACTION in self.imageView.image = self.imgOff
self.isLampOn = false
let onAction = UIAlertAction(title:"아니오 켜겠슴다", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler:{
ACTION in self.imageView.image = self.imgOn
self.isLampOn = true
let removeAction = UIAlertAction(title:"네, 제거합니다.", style:UIAlertActionStyle.default, handler:{
ACTION in self.imageView.image = self.imgRemove
self.isLampOn = false
present(lampRemoveAlert, animated: true, completion: nil)
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